Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I've been Slacking!

Okay, so I know it's been like, forever, since I've written or posted anything to my blog! What can I job is getting in the way of my personal life! In all seriousness I just haven't had much free, husband, children, etc. keep me rather busy. Avery has been a handful lately, not wanting to sleep through the night, so needless to say, I don't sleep through the night. I think she's getting better, but she's still sleeping on the floor in our room. Sarah is home full time now as her dad has gone back to Iraq. We usually have a week on and a week off, so it's been an adjustment...a good one though. Adyson is mellow yellow as usual, but a bit more whiney these days. We're nipping that in the bud quickly! We're so excited she's starting kindergarten this year...but hard to believe our Adyree is already going to be 5!! Honestly, I don't know where the time goes. I feel like I'm walking around in a daze half the time and the days start blending into each other.

We've had a good year so far and hoping that the rest of the year is just as good if not better! Cord and the girls gave me a fabulous Mother's Day which started off with homemade coffee cake in the morning, some beautiful artwork made by the girls, some quiet time for myself, topped off with a BBQ with our parents and my brother and his family! I couldn't have asked for anything more. My goal is to definitely start blogging more and keeping you all up to date on our life. I really do have so much to share...just have to find the time to share it!

Hugs & Kisses


Cathi Hamen said...

welcome back! its hard to manage it all! miss u!

Shan said...

Hey you - ME TOO! I'm so behind on blogging! I've been really busy with work & stuff too! I'll try to blog more if you do :) Let's get together soon!!